Transtec Foerdertechnik GmbH
The company is working in the sector engineering, conveyance, conveyor belt and hoisting technology.
The planning the layout of the conveying systems is a main point of the company. On the background and system-dependent parameter we develop together with our customers a concept.
The Transtec Fördertechnik GmbH was founded in 1997 an is located in Homburg, Saarland. This is a city in the southwest of Germany in the near of Saarbrücken, Kaiserslautern and the border to France and Luxembourg.
More information about our full line you get on this homepage please:
The Stanzband / cutting belt – our Know-how
Since more than 18 years, we had collected much experience of plastic belts (PVC and PU) in different areas. STANZBAND, this is a special product for die cutting machines like Schoen Sandt, Ring, Hawkes, Atom, Freeman Schwabe, Bruno and others.
If you have any question at our products, don't hesitate to go in contact:
Tel.: 0049 (0) 6841 / 922 40 0
Fax.: 0049 (0) 6841 / 922 40 20